15 May 2015

OPEN LETTER: Soldiers Write Letter To GEJ About Boko Haram

soldiers mutiny
The soldiers accused the president of imposition of unprofessional generals in the Nigerian military stating that money budgeted to fight terrorists was actually spent arming the terrorists.
The officers said President Jonathan could’ve stopped the Boko Haram militants from developing into a terrorist group, but he deliberately stopped efforts to snuff it out when it was still a mere menace.

It called for the removal of several officials who were imposed on the Nigerian army.
It should be noted that recently one of the teenagers rescued among others in Sambisa forest from Boko Haram revealed the terrorists were receiving the information of the movements of the military.

The Nigerian army rescued about 1000 women and children in the North East.
Meanwhile, the terrorists attacked again in Potiskum.
At least 5 people where killed while many others injured when suicide bomber suspected to be Boko Haram member activated explosive at the gate of the business school in Yobe.
Read the full letter below:
How The Nigerian Military Got Degenerated Recently By The Imposition Of Unprofessional Generals At The Helm Of Affairs
1. Mr President sir, once more we write to intimate you on the unprofessional conduct of some of the so called Generals you appointed to hold high commands in the military, but unfortunately they succeeded in its destruction. You have sufficiently been warned before about no many wrong doings within the military but you turned a blind eye. This could be due to your complicit in the whole affair or lack of control in your administering the nation. Under your watch, the Nigerian military has degenerated to its lowest ebb because of your weakness and the professional incompetence of the so called military commanders you put in charge. In the Nigerian military today, mediocrity and sycophancy reins largely due to the promotion and appointments of unmerited officers. We hope that this time around you will take quick necessary actions to address this hopeless situation before the end of your tenure. Thank God Nigeria has now elected a more serious and competent person as its next leader.
2. Your Excellency sir, it is a public knowledge that you inherited a rag tag Boko Haram that has little ability to carry out the deadly attacks we witnessed during your tenure. Even a daft would know that these called Boko Harem are controlled and are directed to hit at some selected target. Thereby giving the public impression as if they are a formidable force that required large fore and weaponry to contain. During these periods, your government deliberately denied our troops of adequate equipment to arrest the situation on time. It is a well-known fact that your government budgeted a lot of money to combat insurgency.
Everyone knows that part of the budget was used to arm the Boko Haram, thereby making them more ferocious and deadly as we witnessed. While most part of the budget was looted by your corrupt appointed senior military commanders. Imagine, a whooping sum of over 4 billion Naira is budgeted quarterly for the administrative and logistic upkeep of troops in the ongoing operations in the North East. Despite these entire huge amounts, our troops grossly complain of bask necessities including even their regular allowance. Lt Gen KTJ Minimah must be the richest Chief of Army Staff in history aside Lt Gen OA Ihejirika (rtd).
3. Surprisingly, when the just concluded elections drew near and you desperately needed popular support especially in the north, you directed that new military hardware’s be purchased in order to confront and defeat the so called Boko Haram within the shortest possible time. It is of knowledge to most Nigerians that almost 90 % of the hardware’s purchased were not new but were refurbished. This accounted for the ineffectiveness and constant breakdown of the so called new weapons in the battle field. It will however interest you to also know that bulk of the ammunition ordered and brought into the country recently by your government were manufactured in 1975 and are therefore obsolete. All these were dishonestly done in order to fetch maximum financial gains for your corrupt senior military commanders at the detriment of providing quality to their country. What a corrupt, unpatriotic and criminal ways of crippling own military and country. The whole weapons and ammunitions were coordinated and purchased by the Army Minister for Special Duties in the person of Brigadier General Dennis Mustapha Onoylveta.
4. Mr President sir, most of these Generals you appointed into high commands of the military lack the administrative and command intellect to effectively lead even an ordinary fighting platoon in battle. Most of them have dearly displayed their emptiness and lack of mental demands required of them to competently carry out their assigned tasks. In the Army headquarters today, generals no longer offer quality inputs and advice on issues of military administration. They only tell the COAS what he wants to hear. Thereby giving room far mediocrity and sycophancy.
One wonders why the barely two year old 7 division have so far been commanded by five Generals. All of them have woefully failed in their command and administrative abilities. One again wonders why there is too much court marshals presently going on in the Army. The Nigerian Army has entered into the Guinness Book of Records by having more than 4000 officers and soldiers been Court Martial within the period of one year. The several court marshals were just conducted as a cover up for Incompetence and weakness of the Army high command.

It is a sort of FRUSTRATION AGGRESSIVE ACTION. It might interest you to know that the Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen Minirnah and his other corrupt Generals are presently making frantic efforts to beef up previously under staffed units in the field for fear of possible investigation by the incoming no nonsense government. You remember sir, we earlier exposed the fact that the figures given on paper as the strength of troops operating in the north east is not corresponding with what obtains physically on ground. Hence the ongoing effort to cover up. What a corrupt and degenerated Army. No wonder our military has become a laughing stock among African Nations and the world at large. The current situation on ground is that the COOS has given an order to dismiss 4,500 soldiers or there about from the army on or before 27 May 2015, for refusing to fight Boko Haram without enough ammunitions and no sophisticated Support weapons with them to combat the insurgents. Mr President Sir, dismissing those innocent soldiers may cause another havoc to the Nation.
5. As we are writing this paper, some 9 officers and over 200 soldiers are on their way from Maiduguri to Jos for jurisdiction. Their offense is said tube disobedience to ILLEGAL ORDERS. In that the soldiers refused to fight without adequate weapons/equipment it was even said that the soldiers were without food for 3 days. It was also said that the GOC 7 Division, Major General LO Adeosun accompanied by a director from Army Headquarters Department of Operations, Major General AG Okunlola were physically with these same troops In the battle field at Bitta when Boko Haram attacked last week. The GOC and the director took away the most serviceable Armored Personnel Carrier and runaway with it, leaving the troops with the only unserviceable one and one 105rnm Artillery Gun to their fate.

Where on earth has only one Artillery Gun ever deployed for operation? This can only be done in the present Nigerian Army where empty Generals are in charge. What unprofessional and a cowardly act by two supposedly trained Generals. Mel Gen LO Adeoson should be removed as GOC 7 division with immediate effect before he plunge the division into further disaster. The questions one would further ask are:
a. Why did the GOC and his colleague not call for reinforcement from Air force and his divisional assets to assist in defeat of the Boko Haram attack??
b. Why would the GOC not have sufficiently read the battle and direct the Junior commanders on what to do rather than escaping??
c. Why would the 7 division plan an operation without making adequate ‘ logistics arrangement to the extent that troops had to stay without food and water for 3 days? Is that the teaching and practice in the Nigerian Army?
Boko Haram: Soldiers Write Letter To GEJBoko Haram: Soldiers Write Letter To GEJBoko Haram: Soldiers Write Letter To GEJBoko Haram: Soldiers Write Letter To GEJ

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